Bright Sparks

Our Stories

Our impact

Bright Sparks has changed the course of many lives, through the simple gift of education. Here are some of our students’ stories, ranging over many years and age groups


Life after a death

At the young age of four, Meenaskhi faced an unimaginable tragedy. Her father, overwhelmed with the burdens of living, took his own life. The devastating loss left their mother in sole charge of Meenaskhi, her older brother and younger sister. Worse still, their in-laws, instead of offering a helping hand, seized their brother and turned the mother and daughters out of their home – leaving them to fend for themselves.

Meenaskhi’s mother sought every possible means to provide for her children. She came to Mohali to find work. Eventually, she was directed towards the Bright Sparks team and on hearing her story, the teachers decided to intervene. Both daughters were enrolled in Bright Sparks School when Meenashki was 8 years old. Entering the nurturing environment of Bright Sparks School marked a new chapter in her life.

Meenashki is now 11 years old and in class four. It is clear that she is very able academically and has the potential to achieve at a high level. She has a quick spark of curiosity and the teachers are keen to give her guidance, education and opportunities. It is rewarding to see her happy, engaged and making excellent progress.


Home pressures

This is the story of a sensitive boy who joined Bright Sparks in Class one and left to go to secondary school after Class five. On the face of it, an ordinary school career. But behind the scenes, in Sumit’s family, a tough life had become even tougher when his father abandoned his vegetable-selling cart due to alcoholism. His mother, working as a domestic help, was left with the responsibility for the family’s upkeep. Two of Sumit’s brothers also sold vegetables, while his married sister who had a child, did domestic work. Sumit was expected to help sell vegetables and look after his nephew – rather than ‘do school’.

These pressures along with his father’s upsetting behaviour caused Sumit to struggle both with school work and with his mental well-being. However, despite the obstacles his mother faced, she was determined to help Sumit stay in education. Over the five years of his schooling at Bright Sparks, his teachers and his mother gave him a great deal of support both academic and emotional. And gradually Sumit transformed. He
became more confident and fun-loving, and developed a strong interest in arts and crafts. He began to take on leadership roles, such as overseeing Diwali preparations. And he has made excellent academic progress.

As a result, Sumit now aged 14 years, is being sponsored by a Friend of Bright Sparks to go to an NGO secondary school where, with the blessing of his whole family, he will have every opportunity to progress. We look forward to following his story.


From field to fashion

Sukanti’s first experience of going to school was when she joined Bright Sparks aged nine years old. Her family came to Mohali from a small village in Uttar Pradesh. Her father found work in the city as a labourer, and her mother did domestic work. Sukanti worked hard and passed her Year 5 exams in just three years. She was then funded by Bright Sparks to attend an NGO secondary school where she got excellent grades and showed an aptitude for art. By this time, Sukanti had developed a passion for fashion. She went to a government college to pass her +1 and +2 exams, selling her own fashion designs to fund her books and exam fees.

In 2024 Sukanti completed her B.A. degree in Fashion Design. Her tuition fees were generously paid by a local Friend of Bright Sparks. Now Sukanti aims to do a Masters degree – helped in part by Bright Sparks Society. Sukanti returns often to the primary school where it all began, speaking to the young children and presenting them with a very positive image of how far a girl can go…


Life saving

Jai’s father is a fruit seller and his mother a labourer – but Jai’s work is highly skilled. He manufactures life-saving oxygenating machines for children at a Medical Equipment
company. Jai spent five years at Bright Sparks, and went on to a government secondary school. He then enrolled in an electronics training course at a Technical College, which he completed in record time.

Without any connections in the world of technology, it is particularly pleasing that Jai gained his current post purely by interview. Recently he met Rita Mohan, his old head teacher in the street and came across to thank her. He spoke warmly about the difference going to Bright Sparks had made to his life, and attributed his professional position and lifestyle entirely to her intervention.


Journey to success

Suraj was the first student from Bright Sparks School to go to university. In 2024 he graduated with an excellent B.Eng degree in Computer Science. His has been an extraordinary journey.

In 2009, Suraj and his family moved from a small rural village to a one-room shack in Mohali. Neither parent could read or write, and the children had not been to school. In fact, they did not have birth certificates which prevented them from enrolling in a government school. Teachers from Bright Sparks School were visiting the colony, talking to parents about the advantages of education. Suraj and his two sisters were encouraged to join the school.

Suraj, then aged eight, started in class two where, like many new students at Bright Sparks, he did not behave well. The teachers worked closely with him, encouraging good behaviour and fostering his interest in puzzles, chess and yoga. Suraj responded well, and in time became the best student in his class.

On graduating from class five, Suraj was sponsored by Bright Sparks to an NGO school where he worked hard and excelled academically. He began to dream of becoming an engineer. Helped by Bright Sparks homework sessions, local Friends, and a generous sponsor he went on to achieve his place at Chandigarh University.

Now Suraj looks to a future in the field of Technology with optimism and ambition. He is often found at Bright Sparks School helping out. He helps students with maths, teaches them chess, and speaks to them realistically about the path to success. He says that the belief that the Bright Sparks team had in him was the greatest motivation for him to work hard and achieve.